Date: 17 Nov 1993 08:13:52 -1000 From: "BIESECKER" Subject: Dateline #41 Here is the latest and greatest edition of the Star Trek Newsletter. This file is uploaded with the permission of the editor (Bill Mason). I know that the Datelines used to be in this archive prior to the reconfiguration, but I have not been able to find them since. I will attempt to gather all prior editions, and upload them as well. For all you Trekkies/Trekkers/Trek-Nuts out there that are thinking of downloading this, DO IT!!! A lotta info about the new Star Trek series, and some information on the upcoming ST-TNG movie! Happy reading... Aloha from Hawaii!!! -Ted ( <<<<<< Attached TEXT file follows >>>>>> 9311.15 DATELINE: STARFLEET #41 Originating from the America Online "Star Trek: The Club" forum Also distributed to: Allegro BBS (St. Paul, MN; 612-489-4902 or 487-0947 [14.4]) Aquarius BBS (Israel) The Cat's Meow (Little Rock, AR) Cleveland Freenet Delphi (Customer forum #17, Star Trek) The Eagle's Nest BBS (Buffalo, NY; 716-875-0929) Galactic Crossroads BBS Internet newsgroup rec.arts.startrek.misc The Itchy and Scratchy Show BBS (916-721-1701, login as guest) MacSavvy BBS (Dallas, TX; 214-250-4419) National Videotex Network SF Forum Philippine Freenet Star Trek echo Planet BMUG BBS (Berkeley, CA) Rutgers University ST:TNG And Beyond BBS (San Jose, CA) STTNG and STDS9 BBS (San Francisco, CA; 408-732-1654) TrekNet USS Gallifrey BBS (306-949-6032 [14.4Kbps HST/v.32bis]) (Any sysops who would be interested in joining the distribution and that have Internet access, write to Bill Mason at Internet address ''.) From the Big Chair ------------------ Greetings also to the good folk at Nationwide Insurance, Lotus Notes, and Wordperfect! |) In case it looks like I've gone the endorsement route, let me hasten to point out that my insurance is not with Nationwide, and I do not compose these issues on Wordperfect. (This is written on Lotus Works, for what that's worth.) ;) --Bill News from Over the Hailing Frequencies.... ------------------------------------------ STAR TREK: VOYAGER The new spinoff was finally confirmed and announced on October 26th. A press release ran as follows: "Paramount Communications & Chris-Craft Industries to form fifth tv network NEW YORK, Oct. 26 /PRNewswire/ -- Paramount Communications Inc. (NYSE: PCI) and Chris-Craft Industries, Inc. (NYSE: CCN) today announced the formation of The Paramount Network, a fifth broadcast television network to be launched in January 1995. The new network will be jointly owned and operated by Paramount and Chris-Craft. "The new network will initially present four hours of original programming over two nights featuring the introduction of a new, hour-long action/adventure series, STAR TREK: VOYAGER. The network also will acquire additional original programs from Paramount and other leading television producers. The introductory prime-time programming blocks presented by the network will be carried by a group of affiliated stations that will include the six independent stations owned by Chris-Craft and the four independent stations owned by Paramount. Together, these stations reach more than 27 percent of U.S. television households. "Martin S. Davis, chairman and chief executive officer of Paramount Communications, said, 'Under our merger agreement, the launch of The Paramount Network has been approved by Viacom. They share our enthusiasm for the vast opportunities created by this bold venture with Chris-Craft. The Paramount Network will benefit substantially from the combination of Paramount's programming expertise with Viacom's outstanding capabilities in the television business, particularly in creating immensely popular networks.' "Kerry McCluggage, chairman of the Paramount Television Group, said, 'Paramount brought network quality to first-ran syndication with STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION, STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE and THE UNTOUCHABLES. Now, we are taking it to the next level by creating a quality network; Chris-Craft's expertise in television station operations makes them a perfect partner in The Paramount Network, ensuring a successful network that will maximize its affiliate stations' value.' "Evan Thompson, president of Chris-Craft broadcasting, said, 'We are extremely pleased to join Paramount in the creation of a new national television network. We both believe that The Paramount Network represents the most exciting opportunity to provide independent stations with distinctive, original programming with which they can differentiate themselves from other independents and cable channels above and beyond their current slate of off-network programs. By aligning themselves with The Paramount Network the affiliate stations around the country will create a valuable franchise in their markets.' "The Paramount Television Group is a leading producer of both network and first-run programming, supplying 30-1/2 hours of programming per week to the CBS, NBC, ABC AND USA networks, as well as stations across the country and worldwide. Paramount is producing ten network series for the current season including WINGS, FRASIER, BOB, SOUTH OF SUNSET, THE MOMMIES, JOHN AND LEEZA, VIPER, SISTER SISTER, DUCKMAN and ITSY BITSY SPIDER. The pioneer of the first-run syndication market, Paramount's first-run series are STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION, STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE, ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT, THE UNTOUCHABLES, THE ARSENIO HALL SHOW, THE MAURY POVICH SHOW and HARD COPY. "The Paramount Stations Group is comprised of seven stations covering more than 11 percent of all U.S. television households: the independent stations are WTXF in Philadelphia, WDCA in Washington, D.C., KTXA in Dallas/Ft. Worth and KTXH in Houston; the FOX Network-affiliated stations are WLFL in Raleigh/Durham, KRRT in San Antonio and WKBD in Detroit. Paramount Communications also has significant operations in motion pictures and home video, cable television networks, motion picture theaters, theme parks and live and televised sports and entertainment events, as well as global publishing operations serving the educational, consumer, and business, technical and professional markets. "Chris-Craft through its 70 percent-owned subsidiary BHC Communications, Inc., owns and operates an eight-station group covering approximately 20 percent of all U.S, television households- BHC owns independent stations KCOP in Los Angeles, WWOR in New York and KPTV in Portland, Ore. BHC's 55 percent owned subsidiary, United Television, Inc., owns independent stations KMSP in Minneapolis, KBHK in San Francisco and KUTP in Phoenix, as well as ABC affiliate KTVX in Salt Lake City and NBC affiliate KMOL in San Antonio." In a "USA Today" article on November 3, Rick Berman revealed some facets of the new series: Basic plot: the crew of the USS Voyager, while chasing a crew of former Starfleet officers turned renegades, falls into a strange astronomical phenomenon that maroons both groups at the edge of the Galaxy. By the end of the first episode, the two groups have joined forces to find their way home. Characters: a middle-aged Vulcan, a half Human/half Klingon female, a character who is a hologram, and a Native American character. None of these characters is the captain, whose background has not yet been decided. A "TV Guide" story added four characters to the list: an Asian, two aliens (of two new-to-Trek species), and a young Starfleet officer who had been dishonorably discharged but was back in Starfleet because of his specialized knowledge of the renegades. TNG MOVIE TALK Also in USA Today, Berman noted: "Some" of the original [TOS] characters are in the film, and there is "some interaction between both crews, in a believable fashion, considering they are 90 years apart." A director for the film has been chosen. His/her identity was not revealed because the contract had not yet been signed. All TNG characters will definitely be in the film. The film, written by Ron Moore and Brannon Braga, still has no title. (Sigh....) Thanksgiving 94 is now the targeted release date for the film. QVC VS. VIACOM CONTINUES As I write this (November 12), QVC had just raised their bid for Paramount to $90/share, as opposed to Viacom's current $85/share bid. TNG AND DS9 SCHEDULES With thanks to Mage655696 for these. TNG (dates are week of dates) 11/07: "Attached" (a Picard/Beverly story; Patrick Stewart describes it as TNG's take on "The Fugitive") 11/14: "Force of Nature" (environmental theme episode; LaForge discovers that warp drives can be damaging to the space-time continuum) 11/21: "Inheritance" (a story with Data's "mother" -- Dr. Soong's wife) 11/28: "Parallels" (Worf finds himself moving through alternate realities; Wil Wheaton guest-stars as Wesley) 12/05: "Descent, Part II" (rerun of season premiere) 12/12: "Liaisons" (rerun; alien liaisons cause problems for the Enterprise crew) 12/19: "Gambit, Part I" (rerun; Picard and Riker undercover on a mercenary ship) 12/26: "Gambit, Part II" (rerun) 01/02: "Interface" (rerun; introduces Geordi's mother and father) 01/09: "The Pegasus" (plot unknown; directed by LeVar Burton) 01/16: "Homeward" (plot unknown) 01/23: "Phantasms" (rerun; Data's nightmare) 01/30: "Sub Rosa" (plot unknown) For DS9 (again, week of dates): 11/07: "Rules of Acquisition" (with the long-awaited debut of a female Ferengi) 11/14: "Necessary Evil" (Odo is re-involved in a 5-year-old murder case that has Kira as a prime suspect) 11/21: "Second Sight" (a Sisko love story) 11/28: "Sanctuary" (an alien race claims Bajor for their homeworld, based on their legends) 12/05: "The Homecoming" (rerun of season premiere) 12/12: "The Circle" (rerun) Andrew Koenig, Walter Koenig's son, will be playing an alien in an upcoming DS9 episode. ALSO ON THE KOENIG FRONT The Associated Press reported that Walter started filming on a "Babylon 5" episode on November 1st. More immediately, Walter will be on a QVC Star Trek special on November 18th. (Thanks to Mage655696 for that bit.) TEK TO TV On November 9th, "USA Today" reported that the "TekWorld" series (based on William Shatner's Tek novels) would debut January 19, 1994. Greg Evigan has been cast as Jake Cardigan. (Thanks again to Mage!) LATER ON SHOWTIME LeVar Burton will be in an upcoming movie special on Showtime, "Parallel Lives." NAMESAKES The Woods Hole Oceangraphic Institution has a new robot submarine for deep-sea exploration: the Enterprise, complete with NCC-1701 stenciled into her hull. |) (More Mage!) Editorial: These Were the Voyages by Bill Mason --------------------------------- I was thinking a thought -- it's on the AOL "Voyager" bulletin board somewhere -- that I wanted to share this month. First, a small bit of background material (it'll be painless). I was a tad too young (born in 1966) to care much about the birth of the ST phenomenon: the campaign to keep the series on the air, the second campaign, the drive to bring the show back, the birth of the convention scene, etc. Basically, a lot of that part of ST is part of the "history books": things I've had to read about. Keeping a little historical background is always helpful, I think. I still grimace at an article in a past Starfleet International "Communique," that in part recapped a tale of two TNG fans. When they saw "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" for the first time, they were reportedly very dismayed that STTMP had "ripped off" the TNG music -- when of course the movie came first. I think of ST history now, because of the announcement of "Star Trek: Voyager". It doesn't seem like too many years ago that where new Trek was concerned, I think most people would have been happy with TNG, TNG, and some more TNG on television. If another TOS movie was done, well that'd be cool too. But not one but now two new TV series tossed our way in the past few years? TNG going to the big screen without a ten-year hiatus first? Kind of mind-boggling. Obviously this all has a lot to do with the almighty dollar. Paramount knows that Trek brings it in. But I'm not fussing about that today. (Personally, as long as the overall quality of Trek stays high -- and I've had no cause for complaint -- I don't care if Paramount makes enough money from it to buy Viacom, QVC, and put in a bid for Ross Perot.) I just don't want us fans to be spoiled by all this. It can't hurt us to remember the good fights. |) Learn! Read! It's good for you. There's plenty of reading material out there: "The Making of Star Trek," "The World of Star Trek," the TOS "Compendium," the TNG "Companion." Who knows, maybe even Shatner's "Star Trek Memories." (To be fair, I have not read the book yet.) It never hurts to learn. With the new generations of fans coming into the picture, we don't want to forget where that Trek music is coming from. We don't want tales of letter campaigns to become mythological, because the fans have had umpteen ST sequels handed to them. After all, who knows what we might have to get on Paramount's case about tomorrow? ;) Book Review: "The Nitpicker's Guide for Next Generation Trekkers" by Bob Flaminio ( ---------------------------------------------------- The Guide provides an episode by episode description of TNG "bloopers, flubs, technical screw-ups, and picayune plot discrepancies" for every episode (except one!) through season six. These include mundane stuff such as "Riker didn't tap his communicator" to serious continuity breaks (such as Troi's on-again, off-again ability to read Ferengi minds). Additionally, there are two trivia questions for each episode; plus "triathlon" trivia between chapters. First, I must commend author Phil Farrand for such an effort. It takes a lot of Trek watching for him and his comrades to come up with about a page of errors per episode. Mr. Farrand is clearly a fanatic, and his love for all things Trek shows through his writing. I read through the book in one night, and plan to keep it on hand for old episode viewing. One thing in particular that gripped me was the change in the Borg's mission between "Q Who" and "Best of Both Worlds". In "Q Who", the Borg are the "ultimate users", intent on acquiring technology and ignoring the E-crew. But in BOBW, their mission changes from one of acquisition to one of assimilation. While this is the most profound discrepancy noted in the book, there are hundreds of others. Since Mr. Farrand is a self-proclaimed nitpicker, I suppose he won't mind me picking a few nits in his book. First, the book is weighted toward the first few seasons rather than the last few, with especially light material from the sixth. This is to be expected, as the earlier episodes will have been viewed over and over, while a sixth season episode may have been viewed only once or twice. For example, he completely misses the guy sitting on the floor in Data's dream in "Birthright I". Second, Mr. Farrand is clearly a devout Christian (one of his acknowledgements is Jesus Christ), which I have absolutely no problem with, except that occasionally he gets a little preachy, which has no place in a book such as this. But I should emphasis that this is the exception rather than the norm. Third, get on- line Mr. Farrand! After each episode there are extensive critiques on AOL, and Mr. Farrand would be well advised to tap into that knowledge base. It would certainly make publishing his next revision easier. Overall, I would recommend this book to anyone interested in all the little nuances of TNG and how they often don't fit together. It is always enjoyable to read the work of a true fan. Book Review: ST:TOS Novel #67, "The Great Starship Race" By Kasey Chang (Ksc1))0 ---------------------------------------------------- The latest TOS novel bears a familiar author on the front cover: Diane Carey, whose last novel, "Best Destiny," was one of the hardback giant Trek novels from Pocket. This novel is a must read for all Star Trek fans, especially fans of Diane Carey. With a solid plot and high suspense up to the very end, this book is a great page turner that you cannot put down. The story started 86 years before TOS, aboard the Romulan Cruiser Scorah, which has encountered a very primitive scout ship from a previously unknown race. Somehow, in the Romulans' excitement of finding a new planet to subdue, the entire crew went crazy and started fighting each other, and the ship was destroyed. Only Subcenturion Valdus escaped. This new world, Gullrey, was found by USS Hood 74 years later, and called themselves the Rey. They are extremely happy to meet other aliens. After twelve years, they came up with the idea of hosting "The Great Starship Race", and invited ALL parties to participate, civilian and governments alike. This would give them an even better chance to meet new species and learn about them. Over thirty ships from as far as Tholus (Tholians) participated, including four Starfleet vessels, Enterprise among them. The race was organized as a rally, with sequential beacons. As the ship approaches close to the first beacon, it will transmit the coordinates of the second beacon, and so on. What made it difficult was the strange stellar conditions in the area, which includes turbulences, nebulas, gravitational anomolies, and much more. Just before the game is about to start, a Romulan ship showed up, and demanded to join the race. Its commander is none other than Valdus. It appears Valdus have a secret agenda in mind. He is convinced that the Rey's effect on Romulans is dangerous, and he have plans to eradicate the entire race off the world, to prevent the Federation from ever harnessing that power. Of course, he kept his intentions secret, and played along until he can pull off his genocidal plan. Kirk suspected that something is up, and as the race goes on, after surviving a couple of Valdus' backstabbing attempts, Kirk figured out Valdus' plan, and the race is on toward Gullrey, both ships going beyond warp nine, well past redline. Can Kirk stop Valdus and save the Reys? Or will Valdus succeed in his lifelong dream? The technical details are excellent, and the character details are just great, with all sorts of ships and captains around. The only thing wrong with the book was the cover, as obviously no one had checked the cover to see if it matched the story. A must read for all Star Trek fans, especially Diane Carey fans. This is a 9 out of possible 10, for excellent. Happy Birthday! --------------- November 24: Denise Crosby November 25: Ricardo Montalban December 9: Michael Dorn Trek-related Products/Happenings -------------------------------- Comic book info: "William Shatner's Tekworld" #17 (Marvel): the adaptation of "TekLords" concludes. "Star Trek" #56 (DC): Still more time-travel, as the Enterprise heads back into Klingon history. Written by Howard Weinstein. "Next Generation" #56 (DC): Trouble's afoot for Worf, Alexander, Deanna, Lwaxana, and Dr. Selar (what a combination). Written by Michael Jan Friedman. (DC has been running late with some ST issues lately, so things may not be getting to the newsstand right on schedule.) (From "The Westfield Newsletter") "Starlog" #198 was scheduled to include an article about the Animated Trek series. (Also from "The Westfield Newsletter") Coming in January or February 1994 is the TOS hardcover "Sarek" by A.C. Crispin, spanning the life of one of our favorite Vulcans. |) In December, Diamond Distributors will deliver *EIGHTEEN* different sets of Star Trek cards to wholesalers. These cards came into Diamond's hands through American Liquidators. According to their advertising hype: "...these cards were created by Gene Roddenberry himself for his wife's merchandising company..." Apparently, these cards were advertising for Lincoln Enterprises. The titles, as listed in the October issue of Diamond Ordering Packet: Star Trek/Gene Roddenberry Captain Kirk Set Star Trek/Gene Roddenberry Mr. Spock Set Star Trek/Gene Roddenberry Costumes Set 1 Star Trek/Gene Roddenberry Costumes Set 2 Star Trek/Gene Roddenberry Costumes Set 3 Star Trek/Gene Roddenberry Television Series Set 1 Star Trek/Gene Roddenberry Television Series Set 2 Star Trek/Gene Roddenberry Television Series Set 3 Star Trek/Gene Roddenberry 1979 Motion Picture Set 1 Star Trek/Gene Roddenberry 1979 Motion Picture Set 2 Star Trek/Gene Roddenberry 1979 Motion Picture Set 3 Star Trek/Gene Roddenberry The Wrath of Khan Set 1 Star Trek/Gene Roddenberry The Wrath of Khan Set 2 Star Trek/Gene Roddenberry The Wrath of Khan Set 3 Star Trek/Gene Roddenberry The Wrath of Khan Set 4 Star Trek/Gene Roddenberry The Search For Spock Set 1 Star Trek/Gene Roddenberry The Search For Spock Set 2 Star Trek/Gene Roddenberry The Search For Spock Set 3 Each set consists of 16 cards each, and each set will retail for about $8 a piece. (Thanks to Mage655696 for this info!) At the Boston CD-ROM expo, IBM Multimedia Publishing debuted (among other multimedia products) the TOS Personal Multimedia Collection, as well as a separate TNG collection. Personal Logs, Stardate Today ----------------------------- "I've become much more aware of the need to protect myself, to protect my family. But I do not and I have no intention of [carrying a gun]. That would be, for me, a tacit involvement with violence itself." [Patrick Stewart, on the merits of owning guns as protection from crime. From "TV Guide"] People were dying.... Gene Roddenberry is gone. So are some of the unsung heroes like producer Gene Coons [sic], makeup artist Freddie Phillips and costume designer Bill Theiss, who made "Star Trek" what is was. And some well-known people associated with the show are terminally ill. I saw history losing its grasp. The stories that were to be told would be lost, and I thought it was imperative to do it now. [William Shatner, discussing why he wrote "Star Trek Memories." From the "New York Daily News"] "Wil Wheaton is AWOL from Starfleet, and was reported living in Topeka, KS, where his activities include producing videos, listening to Primus, cow-tipping and 3D animation." [From the Oct/Nov "Video Toaster User." Thanks for JeffrySG for the quote!] (Wil will be in the HBO made for TV film "Deadly Secrets" later this year. Thanks to Mage655696 for the info!) Credits where Credits are Due ----------------------------- "Dateline: Starfleet" -- edited by Bill Mason. Comments and submissions are invited via any of these avenues: America Online (E-Mail to Data1701D), Internet (send to ''), or the US Postal Service (753 Rively Ave, Glenolden PA, 19036-1118) The Away Team of Contributors -- Kasey Chang, Bob Flaminio Copyright and Trademark Notice: In no case is use of any copyrighted material and/or trademarks without identifying symbols intended as a claim of ownership to those copyrights and/or trademarks. "Dateline: Starfleet" is a non-profit production reporting and commenting on the universe of Star Trek. STAR TREK is a Registered Trademark of Paramount Pictures. All other copyrighted material, trademarks, and/or service marks cited herein are registered to their respective owners. Readers are granted permission to reproduce this file wherever they think there's an interest. I make no copyright claims on this file and encourage public distribution. Just tell 'em where you got it from! If you read all this, happy Thanksgiving! Dateline #42 will be out December 15th. ============================================================